- AL-QUDDUS(The Holy)
- AL-MALIK(The Sovereign Lord)
- AL-RAHIM(The Mercifull)
- AL-RAHMAN(The Beneficent)
- ALLAH(The Name Of God)
- AL-JABBAR(The Compeller)
- AL-AZIZ(The Mighty)
- AL-MUHAYMIN(The Protector)
- AL-MU'MIN(The Guardian Of Faith)
- AL-SALAM(The Source Of Peace)
- AL-GHAFFAR(The Forgiver)
- AL-MUSAWWIR(The Fashioner)
- AL-BARI (The Evolver)
- AL-KHALIQ (The Creator)
- AL-MUTAKABBIR(The Majestic)
- AL-ALEEM(The All Knowning)
- AL-FATTAH(The Opner)
- AL-RAZZAQ(The Provider)
- AL-WAHHAB(The Bestover)
- AL-QAHHAR(The Subduer)
- AL-MUIZZ (The Honourer)
- AL-RAFI'(The Exalter)
- AL-KHAFIDH (The Abaser)
- AL-BASIT(The Expender)
- AL-QABIDH(The Constrictor)
- AL-ADL(The Just)
- AL-HAKAM(The Judge)
- AL-BASEER (The All Seeing)
- AL-SAMI'(The All Hearing)
- AL-MUTHILL(The Dishonourer)
- AL-GHAFUR(The All-Forgiving)
- AL-ADHEEM(The Great One)
- AL-HALEEM(The Forbearing One)
- AL-KHABEER(The Aware)
- AL-LATEEF(The Subtle One)
- AL-MUQIT(The Maintainer)
- AL-HAFEEDH(The Preserver)
- AL-KABEER(The Most Great)
- AL-ALI(The Most High)
- AL-SHAKUR (The Appreciative)
- AL-MUJEEB(The Responsive)
- AL-RAQIB(The Watchfull)
- AL-KARIM (The Generous One)
- AL-JALEEL (The Sublime One)
- AL-HASEEB (The Reckoner)
- AL-BA'ITH (The Resurrector)
- AL-MAJEED (The Most Glorious One)
- AL-WADUD (The Loving)
- AL-HAKEEM (The Wise)
- AL-WASI' (The All-Embracing)
- AL-MATEEN (The Firm One)
- AL-QAWI (The Most Strong)
- AL-WAKEEL (The Trustee)
- AL-HAQQ (The Truth)
- AL-SHAHEED (The Witness)
- AL-MU'ID (The Restorer)
- AL-MUBDI (The Originator)
- AL-MUHSI (The Reckoner)
- AL-HAMEED (The Praiseworthy)
- AL-WALI (The Protecting Friend)
- AL-WAJID (The Finder)
- AL-QAYYUM (The Self-subsisting)
- AL-HAYEE (The Alive)
- AL-MUMEET (The Creator Of Death)
- AL-MUHYI (The Giver Of Life)
- AL-QADIR (The Able)
- AL-SAMAD (The Eternal)
- AL-AHAD (The One)
- AL-WAHID (The Unique)
- AL-MAJID (The Noble)
- AL-AAKHIR (The Last)
- AL-AWWAL (The First)
- AL-MU'AKHKHIR (The Delayer)
- AL-MUQADDIM (The Expediter)
- AL-MUQTADIR (The Powerful)
- AL-BARR (The Source Of All Goodness)
- AL-MUTA'ALI (The Most Exalted)
- AL-WALI (The Governor)
- AL-BATIN (The Hidden)
- AL-DHAHIR (The Manifest)
- MALIK-AL-MULK (The Eternal Owner Of Sovereignty)
- AL-RAOOF (The Compassionate)
- AL-'AFUW (The Pardoner)
- AL-MUNTAQIM (The Avenger)
- AT-TAWWAB (The Acceptor Of Repentance)
- AL-MUGHNI (The Enricher)
- AL-GHANI (The Self-Sufficient)
- AL-JAAMI' (The Gatherer)
- AL-MUQSIT (The Equitable)
- THU-AL-JALAL-WA-AL-IKRAM (The Lord Of Majesty and Bounty)
- AL-HAADI (The Guide)
- AL-NOOR (The Light)
- AL-NAAFI'(The Propitious)
- AL-DHAARR (The Distresser)
- AL-MAANI' (The Preventer)
- AL-SABOOR(The Patient)
- AL-RASHEED (The Guide To The Right Path)
- AL-WARITH (The Supreme Inheritor)
- AL-BAQI (The Everlasting)
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